25 Jun WISE Healthcare and HubMD Partner to Improve Access to Specialty Care For Underserved and Vulnerable Populations
The partnership brings together expertise in workflow and virtual care implementation with specialists motivated to serve safety-net populations through transformational healthcare delivery.
REDLANDS, Calif.— Virtual Care services company WISE Healthcare, Inc. partnered with HubMD P.C., a virtual medical group comprised of fully-credentialed and licensed, board-certified specialist physicians to improve access to specialty care.
HubMD specialists offer their expertise to primary care physicians and patients in programs including eConsult and VideoConsults. Over 100 carefully selected specialists (and growing) covering over 20 specialties have reached hundreds of thousands of patients through safety net hospitals, physicians, health systems, and health plans. As a virtual care services provider, WISE Healthcare provides HubMD with workflow engineers and implementation strategy to facilitate specialists’ rapid and effective connection with other physicians and patients.
So far WISE Workflow Engineers have offered training and support to over 500 primary care providers across 88 clinics in the San Bernardino and Riverside counties. The WISE Workflow Engineers support Safety Net Connect’s (SNC) eConsult. Short for “electronic consultation,” eConsult is a virtual HIPAA secure portal that serves as a communication tool and referral management system. Through eConsult, primary care providers connect with specialists in order to share clinical information and coordinate patient care.
Primarily through the Multi-County eConsult Initiative (MCeI)—a partnership between Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP), Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC), and Riverside University Health System (RUHS)—WISE Workflow Engineers and HubMD specialists facilitate access to specialty care for over 1.2 million safety-net patients.
“We’ve enjoyed support from WISE, and without their help we wouldn’t be able to offer the high caliber services that we do,” said CEO of HubMD, Dr. Stanley Frencher Jr. “We look forward to expanding our work with the support of their workflow engineers.”
Together, HubMD and WISE Healthcare are broadening their ability to impact patient lives through innovative means, allocating focus towards those who are underserved.
“Having worked with Dr. Frencher since before the opening of the new Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital and seeing him grow his practice from that underserved community to creating a multi-specialty virtual medical group is an honor and pleasure,” said WISE Founder and CEO Sajid Ahmed. “The WISE team looks forward to working with HubMD in the future.”
WISE Healthcare will support HubMD’s specialists as more clinics in the Inland Empire are onboarded to use SNC’s eConsult platform over the next year and a half.
About WISE Healthcare
WISE Healthcare enables virtual care through health information technology, workflow engineering, and physician services to transform the landscape of care delivery as we know it. An affiliate of WISE, HubMD provides professional services from first-rate, fully-credentialed, and licensed, board-certified specialist physicians motivated by improving access to quality care—particularly for safety-net patients—through initiatives including eConsult.
Joined by these affiliates, company founder Sajid Ahmed and WISE Workflow Engineers embody a “Force of New” by implementing a redesign of healthcare using Workflow, Innovation, Science, and Engineering (WISE). Activating collaborative ethics and innovative strategizing, WISE shapes a future where both access and delivery of healthcare prove flexible, mindful, and most of all, empowering to patients and providers alike.
For more information, please visit www.wise.healthcare
About HubMD
HubMD P.C. is a virtual care medical group of physician specialists transforming how healthcare is delivered. Enabling virtual care and telehealth through professional services provided by fully-credentialed and licensed, board-certified doctors, HubMD’s primary mission lies in improving access to quality care for vulnerable patients—those who are geographically isolated in rural communities, socially isolated in correctional facilities, as well as economically disadvantaged in often racially and ethnically segregated communities. Over 100 carefully selected specialists covering over 20 specialties have reached hundreds of thousands of patients through HubMD’s work with safety net hospitals, physicians, health systems, and health plans. HubMD specialists offer their expertise to primary care physicians and patients in programs like eConsult and VideoConsults.
Together, HubMD and WISE Healthcare are broadening their reach and ability to impact patient lives through innovative means. Activating collaborative ethics, HubMD specialists are shaping a future where both access and delivery of healthcare prove flexible, mindful, and, most of all, empowering to patients and to clinicians alike.
For more information, please visit www.HubMD.org
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